
List Fake Shipping Company Names

Our topic for today is List Fake Shipping Company Names. Yes, just like phony banking websites, false shipping line websites are built using the “phishing” technique. The International Maritime Bureau is cautioning users of these sites. Such websites have been developed to provide scammers more validity to lure in their intended victims. It is especially […]

What is VGM in Shipping?

What is VGM in Shipping? Each year, the sea takes 1,500 cargo containers by accident or other catastrophes. Accurate weight recording can frequently distinguish between a safe voyage and a disaster. Because of this, cargoes must have their verified gross mass before the vessel has loaded, either as a component of the shipping specifications or […]

Live Cargo Tracking: A Helpful Guide for Beginner to Track their Shipments

In the modern-day, a package sent for the delivery rarely goes directly from the sender towards the carrier to the receiver, even if it is an expedited delivery. Do you know what live cargo tracking is? Additionally, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of other packages arriving daily need to get to their destinations promptly, whether by […]